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Benefits of Cherry Juice

What are the Benefits of Cherry Juice?

Did you know tart cherries are packed with a number of amazing antioxidants and nutrients?

When deciding how to enjoy the many different type of products created from the tart cherry, you should look at what you want to get out the cherry-based product.

For example, if you’re looking for a great tasting and flexible snack, consider the dried cherries. The dried variety offers a number of the nutrients, vitamins and other benefits as the fresh one do.

However, when compared to the benefits of cherry juice option, you would have to eat a whole lot of the dried variety to get the antioxidant benefits and melatonin amount contains in just one ounce of the liquid.

So let’s take a closer look the benefits of cherry juice.

A lot of research has been published lately about the natural health benefits of this Michigan-grown fruit including its ability to maintain healthy joint function, help with a getting a restful night’s sleep and an entire range of other protection for a healthy body.

Check out our indepth video fully explaining the benefits of cherry juice. In addition, below the video, we've also included additional benefits for you to enjoy, too.

Learn More About our 100% Pure Montmorency Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate

Antioxidants Benefits

A study published in 2009 by the Journal of Nutrition indicated that the consumptions of highs in antioxidants are associated with enjoying a healthy body. Antioxidants help to fight oxidative damage caused by free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable oxygen molecules that actually steal oxygen molecules from healthy cells.

Free radicals are basically toxins that are naturally produced in body as a result of normal metabolism, digestion and other normal body issues. However, in addition to being produced in the body itself, they can be introduced in the system by the outside world too. The introduction of free radicals in the body is mainly as a result of pollution, herbicides and radiation to name a few external reasons.

The body can usually handle normal amounts of free radicals, however if excessive amounts occur and the body doesn’t have enough anti-oxidants available damage to the cells can occur. This may lead to a number of health issues including disease.

Published Research on Antioxidants

For over twelve years, research has been conducted on the health benefits and compounds in the tart cherry and cherry juice. Leading research U.S. based organizations and universities including Michigan State University and University of Texas Health Science Center have conducted numerous studies on the this red super fruit. While each of studies focused on different aspects of the tart cherry, one of the most consistent findings is cherry juice offers and excellent ORAC score.

ORAC is defined as Oxygen Radical Absorption Capability. This basically means the higher the ORAC score the more free radicals a food can absorb. A ORAC test measures how many antioxidants are present in a food and how powerful they are in fighting free radicals. Thus high ORAC foods help to neutralize free radicals in the body.

According the Brunswick Laboratories in Wareham, MA, tart cherry juice concentrate, used to make tart cherry juice offers the highest ORAC values all of fruits and vegetables tested by Dr. Boxin Ou at Brunswick Labs.

Overview of ORAC Values of the Foods Studied by the USDA

In addition to Brunswick Labs, the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) has conducted a study on the ORAC levels of top fruits. The fruits studied included cherry juice concentrate, dried cherries, strawberries, frozen tart cherries, blueberries, blackberries, prunes, oranges and grapes. Here are the levels of ORAC units found in the top five fruits from the study.

  • Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate – 12000 ORAC Units
  • Dried tart cherries – 6800 ORAC Units
  • Prunes – 5770 ORAC Units
  • Blueberries – 2400 ORAC Units
  • Blackberries – 2036 ORAC Units

Download a Free Copy of the Tart Cherry Health Report

In addition to the ORAC and free radical fighting benefits of cherry juice also offers a number of natural health benefits. While drinking tart cherry juice is not an end-all-answer but research indicates it may certainly help with certain health issues including joint health, getting a restful night’s sleep and relieving muscle soreness.

The reason for its ability to help with joint issues and soothing sore muscles could be due to the compounds such as the anthocyanins, melatonin, potassium and other phytochemicals working together in a synergistic way.

The melatonin amounts in the cherry juice could be responsible for getting a restful night’s sleep. If you looking for the benefits of cherry juice, enjoy a glass of cherry juice today.

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