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Drink a Cherry Pie to Get Rid of Your Joint Pain?

The American favorite is the classic cherry pie. The average cherry pie contains approximately 80 cherries, but did you know the cherries that make that pie taste so good can also help reduce your arthritis pain?

Thanks right, these tasty red orbs are not only packed full of great taste but can help reduce your joint pain due to arthritis and gout. So, the question is “How would you like to drink a cherry pie to get rid of your joint pain?”

Where are Tart Cherries Grown?

Tart cherries, also known as sour cherries, are mainly grown in sevens states in the United States. These include:

  • Michigan
  • New York
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Utah
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin

However, the Michigan cherry growing region is the only area known as the “Cherry Capital of the World”. The reason is this region of Michigan grows over 65% of all Montmorency tart cherries in the United States. In addition to being known as the “Cherry Capital” is it also referred to as the “Traverse Bay Farms” region, too.

Cherry Juice Fact: It takes the juice of approximately 100 cherries to make juice one ounce of 100% pure tart cherry juice concentrate.

The distinctive color of the Montmorency tart cherry is due to the presence of anthocyanins. This is a polyphenol that is part of the flavonoid family. When you read about the health benefits of the tart cherry, most of the research has been conducted on the Montmorency type of cherry vs. other cherry types.

Make sure the label says “Montmorency”, so you’ll know you’re getting the real deal and the cherry with most of the published research about the joint pain fighting ability is the Montmorency tart cherry juice.

The Research About Cherries for Arthritis Pain?

The old saying “Eat Cherries and Your Arthritis Pain will be Gone” has been around for years. Until recently, it has only been an old wife’s tale. However, thanks to the dedicated work of food researchers we have a better understanding how cherries fight arthritis pain.

The first published study dates back to the 1950’s. This was an observational study conducted by Dr. Ludwig Blau. The good doctor was confined to his wheelchair after a sever gout attack. After a friend told him how cherries helps with arthritis pain and gout, the good doctor polished off a bowl of cherries.

Within a short time, he rose from his chair and was able to walk. So excited about this event, he did an observational study on 12 patients suffering from arthritis pain and gout.

During this study, Dr. Blau divided the participants into two groups. The first group ate cherries, while the second group enjoy a placebo. Those eating the cherries in the study experience lower levels of uric acid and lower levels of arthritis pain. This was great news and the results where published in a national magazine.

Since then, additional studies have been conducts on cherries and arthritis pain. One study conducted on cherries was from the USDA Human Research Center at the University of California, Davis. This study was conducted on healthy women ages 20 to 40. The results of this study also pointed to the fact cherries are great for joint health.

Yet, another study conducted at Oregon Health and Science found that 20 women suffering pain from osteoarthritis drank cherry juice made with Montmorency cherries experienced less pain after the study.

This study was conducted over a 21-day period and the participants were asked to drink a placebo or 10.5 ounces of Montmorency cherry juice for pain. The arthritis pain was lower for the cherry group. The cherry group experienced lower inflammation markers known as C-reactive. This is great news for those with arthritis pain, cherry juice is an excellent natural way to reduce joint pain caused by arthritis.

Cherry Juice and Gout Pain

Another study coordinated through the Gout and Uric Acid Education Society had 220 gout patients indicate what are the most common solutions for fighting gout. Here is an overview of the results:

  • 87% reported an attack within the last 30 days
  • 54% has been prescribed medication for gout
  • 43% indicated they were taking cherry juice or cherry powder
  • 25% were taking other natural supplement for a gout attack.

The results went on to indicate, those participants taking cherry juice or cherry powder, compared to those taking other supplements enjoyed less gout attacks and flair ups. Another interesting point about the results of the study was gout pain sufferers are looking for non-pharmacological solutions to joint pain. Cherries could well be the answer.

The Journal of Functional Foods published the research in 2014 about Montmorency cherry juice and joint pain. The results of the cherry pain study reported after drinking Montmorency cherry juice daily it lowered gout-causing uric acid in the blood, while increasing the presence of inflammation-fighting anthocyanins.

Cherries and Osteoarthritis

The results of another study were published in 2013. The research was conducted at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center. The cherry arthritis study was conducted over a 6-week period. Each of the participants were asked to drink two 8-ounce bottles of cherry juice daily for the length of the study.

As reported in other cherry arthritis pain studies, participants showed a decrease in the C-reactive protein (CRP). This is an inflammation marker in the body.

Another study on arthritis pain and cherries, was conducted using cherry pills. The researchers at Baylor Research in Dallas, Texas conducted an 8-week trial using cherry capsules. Each of the 20 patients enrolled reported improved joint function and reduction in joint pain. Cherries for arthritis seems to point to the fact that either taking cherry pills or drinking cherry juice are excellent options for fighting arthritis pain.

Managing Arthritis with Cherry Juice

A recent conducted by the Arthritis Foundation of 900 constituents found 84% of those surveyed believe enjoying a healthy diet is important to managing arthritis pain. In addition, 12 percent of those surveyed indicated cherry juice, among other foods and drink, are beneficial to managing arthritis with cherries.

So, now you can drink a cherry pie, aka cherry juice, of the cherry pie to fight arthritis pain naturally. The next time you’re looking for a natural way to fight arthritis pain, reach for a cherry part of the cherry pie and pour yourself some great tasting cherry juice concentrate.

By the way, there are approximately 80 pitted tart cherries in the average cherry pie. However, it takes the juice of approximately 100 cherries to make juice one ounce of cherry juice concentrate.

So, you’re getting more cherries per glass of 100% pure cherry juice than you would if you ate an entire cherry pie yourself. Of course, the glass of cherry juice won’t have all that added sugar either.
