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Tart Cherries Rank High on the ORAC Scale

Cherry Juice ORAC Unit Information

Do you know the Cherry Juice ORAC Units level ranks the highest among tart cherry products tested?

That’s right, Montmorency tart cherry juice is pack full of free radial fighting ORAC units to help to fight off the cell damaging effect of free radicals.

ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) is a way of testing and measuring the antioxidant capabilities of food. Nutritionists recommend that adults get 5,000 – 8,000 ORAC units per day. ORAC units are achieved by consuming antioxidant-rich foods.

While there are a number different variety of cherries available, it is the Montmorency tart cherry that is most popular variety used to make tart cherry juice concentrate.

Let’s learn more about the antioxidants and cherry juice ORAC units available in this ruby-red fruit juice drink.

Cherry Juice ORAC Units:

Cherry Juice ORAC Nutritional InformationMontmorency tart cherries deliver a high amount of anthocyanins and other powerful antioxidants. Here are the results from Brunswick Labs.

Brunswick Laboratories, Wareham, MA recently conducted extensive nutraceutical evaluations and ORAC testing on four Montmorency tart cherry products.

Dr. Boxin Ou, principal research scientist at Brunswick Laboratories and one of the leading scientists in the U.S. on phytochemicals in plant foods, filed these scientific notes on the evaluations.

Dried Cherries from Traverse Bay FarmsTart cherries have some of the highest ORAC values of tested fruits and vegetables. The results are per 100 grams of each product.

Below are the results in descending order of ORAC units:

What is a Free-Radial?

Free radicals are unstable atoms. These unstable atoms seek out healthy cells and once connected causes oxidative stress. This can cause premature aging and disease in the body. The best way to fight free radicals to consume at least 5,000 – 8,000 ORAC units daily.


How to get Cherry Juice ORAC Units in your diet

The majority of the published tart cherry juice ORAC studies available today used the Montmorency tart cherry juice concentrate in the published results.

To enjoy the powerful health benefits of cherry juice ORAC units daily you would simply need to mix 1-ounce (2 tablespoons) of tart cherry juice concentrate with 7-ounces of water to make a 100% pure glass of cherry juice.

By drinking a glass every, you’ll be enjoying all of the cherry juice ORAC unit health benefits.

Get the Benefits of Cherry Juice ORAC year-round

One of the benefits of cherry juice is it is available year-round. Unlike the fresh tart cherries that are only available for a few short weeks during the summer harvest. The fresh cherries are very perishable and only last a few short weeks after they are picked. This means once picked they have to be either frozen or made into other cherry products including tart cherry juice concentrate.  

This means you can enjoy the free-radical fighting capabilities of cherry juice ORAC units for all 12-months of the year.

100% pure tart cherry juice

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1 comment

  • Sallysummer

    Hello, I am looking for 100% cherry powder . No artificial flavors added. Neither a sugar . Do you carry it . If so plz text me . Thank you.

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