Why should people buy cherry juice concentrate over other fruit juices? That is a very good question that we get asked a lot from individuals just hearing about this tangy red fruit drink. It have been in the news a lot recently including being on the Dr. Oz. show, a number of websites, radio shows and written up on a number of newspapers, too.
Here is a breif overview of why individuals may want to drink a glass of cherry juice everyday instead of another fruit drink. This Michigan grown tree fruit has caught the attention of a number of food researchers and medical universities. Over the past several years a number of study results have been published sharing the amazing news about how it helps maintain healthy joints*, soothe sore muscles due to physical exercise*, aids in getting a healthy night's sleep* and more. In addition as we learn uncover more of hidden secrets of Mother Nature we are better able to understand that each fruit offers specific health benefits.
For example, the banana is an excellent source of natural energy, the blueberry helps maintain healthy brain function*, the apple is a source of fiber, the strawberry is good for folic acid, the pomegranate is good for a maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system*. Of course, this tiny fruit is good for maintaining healthy joint function and more. In addition, research points that the different type of cherry-based products including cherry juice, cherry capsules and even the powder are excellent in providing health benefits, too.
Fruits and Vegetables for particular needs: Juicing therapists and manuals suggest various combinations of fruits and vegetables to treat specific problems.
Apple juice cleans the kidneys and liver. It can also ease arthritis and rheumatism.
Beets are famous for their ability to cleanse the blood and strengthen the gall bladder and liver. Beets is said to be an effective remedy for Leukemia. Beet juice is very concentrated, so a little goes a long way; try 20% of the total amount.
Broccoli contains strong antioxidant properties.
Cabbage juice is one of the most healing nutrients for stomach health. Cabbage is rich in sulfur and selenium, which are both beneficial for joint stiffness. The juicing remedy uses half a head of green cabbage, a stalk of celery, and a seeded apple.
Celery is beneficial for people suffering from depression and anxiety.
Cranberries haveanti-bacterial properties. It helps to clean the kidneys.
Ginger: To prevent nausea from pregnancy or motion sickness. Prepare 1/2 – in slice of fresh ginger, 1lemon, 1 apple, 2 cups flat ginger ale. Put ginger, lemon, and apple through juicer; stir the mixture into the ginger ale, and sip as needed.
Wheatgrass juice is high in chlorophyll which can help boost immune system, cleans the liver and kidneys and it is also said to be good for both skin and hair.
Calcium shake: A good drink for those who don’t like milk or have difficulty drinking it. Prepare 1 cup broccoli florets, 2-3 kale leaves, 3-4 carrots (remove the top), and ½ apple. Juice ingredients together and chill.
Folate tonic: A good booster of this B vitamin for women on birth control pills or during pregnancy. To prepare: 1 orange, 2-3 carrots, 1 cup chopped kale, handful of parsley. Remove carrot tops; put ingredients through juicer: Chill and serve.
Potassium Booster: To restore potassium stores after diarrhea or when taking diuretics. To prepare: 1 orange, ½ cantaloupe, 2 or 3 carrots, and banana. Put first three ingredients through juicer; puree banana in a blender and mix with juice.
For Iron: To build iron reserves; a good drink during pregnancy. To prepare: 1 bunch parsley, 1 red pepper, 1 cup broccoli florets, and 3 raw carrots. Put ingredients through juicer; flavor with lemon or orange juice if desired.
Vitamin C juice. A good drink when you feel a cold is coming on or if you already have cold it may speed your recovery. To prepare: 1 kiwi, 1 mango (peeled), ½ cantaloupe, and ½ cup strawberries or a combination of parsley, lemon, watercress, red pepper, kale. Put ingredients through juicer and serve chilled.
Zinc juice drink. Gingerroot, parsley, potato, garlic, and carrot is said to prevent infections. Put ingredients through juicer and serve chilled.
Cucumber juice is high in silica which is a mineral which strengthens connective tissue, and is good for tendons, muscles, cartilage, bones, and ligaments. It is reported that silica is also good for skin elasticity, fingernails, complexion, and hair loss.