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The Four Seasons of Tart Cherries InfoGraphic

The Four Seasons of Tart Cherries: As we approach the end of the warm summer days and now are approaching the cool fall evening and cold winter days, I wanted to share the different seasons of the tart cherries. Each season of the year offers a number benefits to the growth, quality and quantity of the Montmorency tart cherries grown right here in Northern Michigan. Check out how the spring weather helps to bring the cherry blossoms out, while the cold winter months actually helps the cherry trees to sleep and rejuvenate for another year of growing Montmorency tart cherries. [caption id="attachment_3120" align="alignleft" width="341"]Learn how cherry juice is made from the four seasons of the tart cherry Learn how cherry juice is made from the four seasons of the tart cherry[/caption]
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