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Benefit of Cherry Capsules
With the start of the new year, a lot of people are calling and emailing us and asking about the difference between our cherry juice and cherry capsules. Learn the difference between cherry juice, cherry capsules and dried cherries.

One Click to Visit Traverse Bay Farms
Visit the Traverse Bay Farms website fast with this one-click option. It's simple, easy and most importantly will save you time when placing an order with us.

How Traverse Bay Farms is Helping to Fight Indentity Theft in 2013 and Beyond
Unfortunately, we have heard of many people over the last few years having their credit cards and even their personal identity compromised. I wanted to start 2013 by providing an overview of the Internet Security System we have put in place at Traverse Bay Farms. I know this post is a little off topic from our company mission of providing timely health and wellness information but I wanted to let our customers know how we are helping to combat identity theft and other online security issues (for your “financial” health!).

Balloons over Elk Rapids - Traverse Bay Farms
Hot air balloons over Elk Rapids

What is a Serving Size - Fruit Alternatives
What is a Serving Size - Food Alternatives for Fruit

Alternative Daily Servings for Milk and Protein Foods
Alternative Daily Servings for Milk and Protein Foods

What is a Serving Size for Select Food Groups
What is a Serving Size for Select Food Groups

Lower Fat Food Alternatives #2
New lower fat alternatives food choices

Lower Fat Alternative Foods
Low-Calorie, Lower Fat Alternative Foods

15th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Monterey Park California
15th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival in Monterey Park California

Traverse Bay Farms Included in Two Nationally Published Book
Mother Nature’s remedies are the fast becoming the first choice for many individuals looking for a proven way to enjoy a healthy lifestyle naturally.

Is the Cherry Juice Harvest Coming Early this Year
The unseasonal warm winter of 2011 – 2012 is already bumping up harvest times and production cycles.
